Extenday’s Product Range

Extenday supplies a full range of horticultural fabrics designed to create enhanced growing environments. Our products create custom-designed microclimates tailored to specific needs. Field-tested and built to last, our fabrics deliver long-term value.

To ensure customers achieve the maximum benefit from our products, we provide dedicated support to offer valuable assistance and guidance, helping growers optimize their investment and achieve the best possible return on investment. At Extenday, we are committed to providing exceptional products and ongoing support to meet the needs of our customers.

Please contact us about our products and service: contact.extenday@extenday.com

High density apple orchard, showing Extenday reflective fabric also know known as reflective tarps, reflective cloth, or reflective mulch, with very red apples showing the effectiveness of Extenday product. Above is a, Extenday protective net contributing to the diffused, even light that is important to evenly red apples.
Reflective Fabrics
Protective Nets
Weed Mats

Wind Screen
Rain Covers
Reflective Film

Chill Nets
Retractable Nets